Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This blog post is me procrasinating....

I think I'd have to say Hayao Miyazaki is my favorite animator of all time. I love this video because it shows some of the best moments of his work. Watch and enjoy!

On a more depressing note, I don't have any idea how I'm going to write my history paper on the Lost Colony of Roanoke by tomorrow. Help! O___O


"Always Coming Home"

One of the books I'm reading now is "Always Coming Home," by Ursula K. LeGuin. It is about a civilization ing in post-apocolyptic Northern California. They are very in-tune with nature, family, dancing, and art, but very ignorant of their past. This book is not a narrative, however, but more of an archaeological and cultural journal, compiled by Mrs. LeGuin herself (as the Archaeologist). It was as if Mrs. LeGuin didn't write the book at all, but only "discovered" it. The book is full of poetry, journals, maps, folklore, and faerie tales of their culture.

If you enjoy fast-paced books, this one isn't for you. This book moves very slowly, wandering through this culture's history and uncovering secrets. It is beautifully thought out and presented, and you'll find yourself skipping back and forth through the book and marking favorite poems or maps to look at later. This is one book you don't have to read all the way through, or even in order.

I reccomend this to everyone...reading this will not be like anything you've read before, and it is very rewarding.

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